Paid-Editing, Open Datasets, and AI-Mapping Tools: A Panel Discussion with Corporations Active in OpenStreetMap

Room: Track 2 - Panels and Workshops

Saturday, 20:00 UTC
Duration: 60 minutes (plus Q&A)

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  • Jennings Anderson

The panel discussion will be broken into 3 sections:

  1. Introduction (5 minutes): Brief Introduction of Panelists and their involvement in OSM, as quantified in existing work. This includes a very brief overview of paid-editing in OSM and how the scale has increased in recent years, along with the adoption of AI-assisted mapping, and any new datasets made available. This will be positioned within the results of the OSMF 2021 Community Survey and briefly discuss the distinction between corporations as data consumers and corporations as data producers.

  2. Formal Panelist Introductions (5-8 minutes each). Each speaker will have a few minutes to describe their company’s involvement in and use of OSM.

  3. Moderated Discussion (40 - 60 minutes). The audience will have the chance to pose questions in a separate chat / shared document and the moderator will collate questions and ask the panelists. Example questions to the panelists include:

    • Why OSM? There were likely many possible platforms that your company considered, what was the reason for choosing OSM, and what was this process like? Was there immediate buy-in, or not?
    • If local volunteer mapping communities are active in the regions you are mapping, how do you communicate and work with them? Are you supporting them directly in any way?
    • How does your company intend to contribute to OSM? Is it in datasets? technologies? mapping expertise?

The list of panel participants has yet to be finalized.

The panel will be moderated by Jennings Anderson, an OSM researcher who has written about and continues to research the involvement of corporations in OSM.